How To Grow Your Newsletter Business

Everyone’s creating newsletters, so how do you stand out? Here’s what I’ve learned after a year of writing a newsletter:

Embrace Two Essentials

  1. Consistent, High-Quality Content: Write regularly (weekly, daily, etc.) with content that educates or entertains.
  2. Hustle: Actively promote your newsletter. People won’t find it magically. Reach out and spread the word.

Find Your Niche

Focus on a specific topic to reduce competition. For example, a newsletter about Lego sets & their history will have less competition than one on general creative writing. Think about where you can provide unique value.

Growth Strategies

  1. Ask Friends: Start by getting your friends to subscribe.
  2. LinkedIn Outreach: DM your contacts to gain subscribers.
  3. Create Shareable Content: Provide valuable, bite-sized information or deep dives.
  4. Lead Magnets: Offer free resources relevant to your audience to attract subscribers.
  5. Join Communities: Learn from others in newsletter groups on platforms like Facebook and Indie Hackers.
  6. Twitter Engagement: Tweet daily, engage with influencers, and provide valuable content to grow your following.
  7. Stay Motivated: Growing a newsletter is tough. Don’t get discouraged and keep pushing forward.
  8. Cross-Promote: Partner with other newsletter writers to trade shoutouts and gain traction.

Answer These 9 Questions to 9x Your Newsletter

  1. Know Your Audience: Understand their needs, interests, and pain points.
    • Who are you writing this for?
  2. Value First: Provide actionable insights, tips, and strategies.
    • What does someone actually gain from reading this?
  3. Be Concise: Keep your content short and to the point.
    • Am I wasting their time?
  4. Engaging Headlines: Use compelling and clear headlines to grab attention.
    • Would you click on this email?
  5. Storytelling: Share success stories and case studies.
    • Is this story engaging? Do I feel an emotional connection to the subject?
  6. Clear Call-to-Action: Guide your readers on what to do next.
    • Is it clear to my readers what their next step should be? (Buy something, visit my site, read more posts)
  7. Visuals: Use images, charts, and infographics to break up text.
    • Does the post look approachable? Is it just a block of text?
  8. Edit Ruthlessly: Remove fluff, check for grammar, and ensure clarity.
    • Does my post look professional? Are there any grammar or spelling mistakes?
  9. Engage: Ask questions and encourage feedback from your readers.
    • Am I letting people know they can respond to this email, or reach out on social media?

Which of these is easier to read?
