Our brand resources are here to help you showcase Quick Elements. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Please note that we have the exclusive rights to our trademarks. You can only use Quick Elements trademarks if your work is fair use or you have our permission.

Logo Guidelines
Before using a Quick Elements image or asset, please read our basic guidelines:
- Try not to alter the shape, color, or proportions of our assets.
- Provide padding around the asset if possible.
- Don’t overlay other brands or logos on top of ours.
Brand Guidelines
The Quick Elements brand, and other brands owned by Quick Elements, including words, phrases, symbols, designs, and other features associated with Quick Elements and our services shall be referred to as “Brand Assets”. Our brand assets are trademarks of Quick Elements, and are our exclusive property. Quick Elements supports creators, and we ask that you follow these guidelines. This makes it easier for people to recognize Quick Elements and prevents customers from getting confused. These guidelines also help protect Quick Elements intellectual property. We may modify these Brand Guidelines at any time without notice.
- Use our brand assets to refer to Quick Elements and our services.
- Comply with our Terms of Service and Affiliate Terms of Service.
- Link to or another applicable URL when using our Brand Assets.
- Incorporate any of our Brand Assets into your trademarks, domain names, logos, or other content.
- Use any Brand Asset in any commercial or non-commercial products.
- Claim rights over the Quick Elements brand or Brand Assets, in any way.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email at