Every single one of my colleagues who started a business came to a point before launch where they needed to have a website built. Every single one of them was extremely stressed during the process. They all picked 1 of 2 options:
- 1) Build the website themselves
- 2) Hire someone to build the website for them
Option 1: Build The Website Yourself
For those that picked option 1, they were thrown into the world of web design. Sure, it’s not as bad as it used to be, you don’t have to learn any programming languages. However, learning design and what makes a website look good takes time and practice.
There were 2 big issues I saw with those that chose option 1. The first issue was that it took them a long time to build. They would spend between 20 and 40 hours building their website. It’s not uncommon to spend even more if you need to do anything remotely custom, and that time isn’t including adding products or content or anything like that. The second issue with option 1 only sometimes happened; and that was that the website came out looking like 2010 YouTube.

Option 2: Hire a Person or Firm To Build it For You
With that said, there were a lot of issues with option 2 as well. First of all, hiring someone to build your website for you does not come cheap. Often times they were paying upwards of $5,000 for a simple static website.
Second of all, if you get a bad firm (especially if they outsource the work to a non-English speaking country) meeting with the design firms and explaining what you want is a huge time commitment. With some firms, you will need to explain what you want so many times that it would have been quicker and cheaper to just hire a full-time employee to build it for you. Not all firms are the same, but it’s often hard to tell what you’re getting yourself into until you’ve already committed.
Do you want inexpensive, or good quality? Usually you get to pick one of the two. Depending on what type of firm you go with, if all they do is use a website builder, then you’re often overpaying for what you’re getting. I worked for a firm briefly and I can tell you, the main focus is on up-selling clients. The firm I worked for had about 5 sales people per full stack web developer. That’s not a joke. Most of the money you pay is not going back into your site, but it’s going into selling you more stuff. There are multiple sites that were done entirely by interns using off the shelf website builders.
We Started Quick Elements To Offer A 3rd Option
We were tired of small businesses and individuals having to choose between two bad options, so we created Quick Elements to make a third.
With Quick Elements, the cost is low compared to the thousands you would pay an agency. The time commitment is low compared to doing it entirely yourself. Last but not least, you can be sure you will get results you are happy with.
We are passionate about building you the best website possible and providing you with the best tools to achieve your goals. We put a strong focus on search engine optimization and conversion rates to help bring your business to the next level. Furthermore, we design high quality websites meant to inspire confidence in your brand.

Before Quick Elements there were 2 options which both left a lot to be desired. After Quick Elements, there is a clear choice for businesses who want a website without a huge upfront cost, either in time or in money. Focus on your expertise and allow us to build you the best website for your needs. Quick Elements also includes hassle-free email hosting and other tools that would traditionally require separate payments to different platforms. Combine all your online tools into one platform and decrease your complexity, while increasing your productivity!
Let’s Compare Your Options
Option 1 (Build it Yourself) | Option 2 (Hire a Firm) | Option 3 (Quick Elements) | |
Cost | Low Cost. | Expensive! | Low Cost. |
Time | Takes a lot of time! | Takes some time. | Takes almost no time. |
Quality | Mixed results. | Usually decent to good results. | Amazing results. |
Integrations | If you build them yourself. | If you pay extra. | Email accounts, marketing tools, SEO evaluation – All included. |
We created Quick Elements for people like you. We hope you will pick Quick Elements for your website!